Tuesday 2 March 2010

“Woman at Home” – 1910

Mr. Charles Garvice on – ‘The Qualities I Most Admire in a Woman’

“ …Woman is always hankering to protect and comfort her man as a mother watches over and shields her infant; and it is the woman who possesses this quality to the largest extent who appeals to us men most effectually……..

… I have to say that I am not particularly attracted by clever women; quite between ourselves, I have the fatuous idea that I can bring into the firm all the cleverness that’s necessary. I am trying to be clever all day, and when I go home to dinner I want a nice woman , who will listen while I talk; never, oh never, want to argue, and who will murmur at proper intervals ‘Yes dear, of course!’ ; ‘You’re right dearest’ and ‘How nicely you put it darling!’. And I am ready to reward her by letting her sit on the second best chair in my den, and mend my socks, and enlarge my waistcoats, while I smoke, and talk, and read to her ….’

1 comment:

  1. ...oh how wonderful it must have been to be 'allowed' to sit on the second best chair and darn socks!! How funny...
